Social media went crazy last night over a ‘newborn baby’s prophesy.” According to ‘unreliable sources,’ and social media chats.
A baby was born in Khartoum, Sudan on Friday March 27 at around 2:00. Instead of crying, as baby’s usually do; the baby spoke “drink tea without sugar.”
The locals translated it to mean * drink tea without sugar’ to decrease the impact of coronavirus
Interestingly, everywhere in Sudan people are drinking tea without Sugar. Shops are loaded with people buying tea leaves.
As for the baby, according to reports she/he died few moments later. But other reports says baby's family in hiding - they don't want the media or strangers asking them questions.
What do you have to say? Could this be what T.B Joshua was referring to?
“This month, 27th, it will be over (referring to the coronavirus),” Prophet Joshua was captured saying earlier, during one of his sermons to the congregation at the Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN).
*****Please be aware***** Coronavirus has no cure****
Coronavirus has no cure and there’s no vaccine yet. Please continue to adhere to social distancing and all other recommendations from your leaders, world health organization etc. Use common sense. We don’t believe tea can cure Corona virus. And we are not stopping you from drinking tea.
Check out our previous story on tea and coronavirus “Dr. Li Wenliang’s case file note that Methylxanthnes, a substance in tea can decrease impact of COVID-19.”