FREDERICTON, New Brunswick, May 03, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Alzheimer Society of New Brunswick is gearing up to host the 20th annual IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer’s on May 28, 2023 in Bathurst, Campbellton, Fredericton, Moncton, Saint John and Tracadie.
“What started as a small event with 60 people in a single city has grown into a provincial event supported by hundreds of people. It’s become more than a fundraiser — it is an event where families, people living with dementia, and the greater community feel united for a common cause” says Chandra MacBean, Executive Director of the Alzheimer Society of New Brunswick.
With over 12,000 New Brunswickers currently living with Alzheimer’s or another form of dementia, nearly everyone is touched by this disease, whether it be a relative, friend, neighbour, or members of your community. By 2050, this number is expected to nearly double. As the number of people affected by dementia increases, so does the need for services.
Funds raised through the IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer’s in New Brunswick stay in the province to help provide free programs, services, and education to the thousands of people living with dementia and their circle of care.
“Our free programs bring those impacted by dementia together to learn from and support one another, and to help them to plan for the journey ahead. Not only do these much-needed programs educate and inform, but they also help to reduce crisis and decrease isolation,” explains Chandra MacBean.
Here’s how to get involved in the IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer’s and make a positive difference in the lives of people living with dementia and their families:
Register for your local Walk – sign up as a team captain, team member or as an individual
Start fundraising - Share your fundraising page and your reasons for walking on social media using the official hashtag #IGWalkForAlz. Reach out to your friends, family, neighbours and colleagues (in person and online) to ask for support.
Join us on Walk Day on May 28, 2023 – join dedicated people like you, who are committed to helping people living with dementia and caregivers. Get inspired and get moving!
This inclusive family-friendly event has something for everyone. There will be fun activities, prizes, guest speakers, and more! Register today at www.walkforalzheimers.ca.
About the Alzheimer Society of New Brunswick The Alzheimer Society of New Brunswick is the leading not-for-profit health organization in the province dedicated to improving the quality of life for people living with dementia. Since 1987, we've provided help and support to people living with Alzheimer's disease and other dementias, their families and their caregivers. Active in communities right across New Brunswick, the Society has programs and services near you.
Media Contact Jess Baxter Manager of Brand & Philanthropy Tel: 506-501-0674 / 1-800-664-8411 communications@alzheimer.ca www.alzheimer.ca/nb