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Bono Loses His Voice During U2 Concert in Berlin and Ends Show Early

U2 has released a statementfollowing the concert's cancellation. The announcement said, "We're so sorry for tonight's cancellation.  Bono was in great form and great voice prior to the show and we were all looking forward to the second night in Berlin, but after a few songs, he suffered a complete loss of voice. We don't know what has happened and we're taking medical advice. As always, we appreciate our audience's understanding and all our fans' support in Berlin and those who travelled from afar. We will update you very soon. Adam, Larry and Edge"

U2 cut short an Experience & Innocence 2018 tour concert in Berlin on Saturday after Bonolost his voice onstage.

The 58-year-old frontman had performed a few songs over the course of 20 minutes and was heard struggling to sing "Red Flag Day." He and the band then stopped the music so he could address the audience. He said speculated that stage smoke in the Mercedes-Benz Arena had affected his voice.

"I can promise you I have not been smoking," he told the crowd, as seen in videos fans posted online. "But this is like a giant cigar. I've lost my voice and I don't know what to was singing like a bird about 10 minutes ago."

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